RM Bridge Advanced Wizard Help

Cross Section Page

General Tab

It consists of 7 columns that describes and defines the parameters used in modeling the Hollow box cross section.

Group Four groups are used based on each parameter type: General, Cantilever, Slab-top, Slab-bot.
Name Indicates the Parameter name and can't be modified.
Value The Value of the Parameter is introduced in this field.
Unit/Type The unit [m]/[ft] is selected from General options when the Project is Initialized and also depends on the Code&Material Standard used.Type consists in either Length or Angle.
Description A short description explaining each parameter so it can be better identified in the plot.
Constant/Variable A drop down list is available if this field is double clicked with the mouse and offers two options: Constant or Variable.

The Constant option will keep the same parameter value throughout the entire bridge span.

If the Variable option is selected a new Tab will appear beside General Tab in the upper screen part with the selected parameter's name identifying it, find a detailed description below.

Variable Tab

Consists of a set of a set of expressions for abscissa and ordinate shown in the right side of this table.This expressions are arithmetical terms of constants and defined formulas.

The variation between two points of the table can be entered:

  • Constant The ordinate of the table do not vary to the next point.
  • inear The ordinate of the table varies linearly to next point.
  • Parabolic variation of type 0 The ordinate of the table varies parabolically to the next point. The slope of the curve at the beginning and at the end is set to 0.0.
  • Parabolic variation of type 1 The ordinate of the table varies parabolically to the next point. The slope of the curve at the beginning is set to 0.0.
  • Parabolic variation of type 2 The ordinate of the table varies parabolically to the next point. The slope of the curve at the end is set to 0.0.

Two options below the drawing will let the user to observe the Variation on the current span or Variation along the entire bridge length.Begin/End excess length are also considered when stations are defined for the first and last span.